Recent Stuff

Ok so I have been off for a while so its time to update.

Games played Sharp Practise, Blackpowder,Trafalgar and Heart of Oak. All these very different with there own pluses and minuses. Getting to really like Sharp Practise especially as they are a rule set that dont take themselves too seriously and are adaptable.
Painting has been a bit slow but it has picked up with the school holidays. Apart from the ships in the last post I have painted some Perry 28mm Queens Rangers, Victix 28mm British for War of 1812. I am still undecided about Victrix figures, they look OK when painted but are really fiddly to put together and in parts lack the definition that you find with metals. I suppose this is why the Heir and I dont really like painting them.

Some of the photos include Sharp Practise games and 28mm Perry Queens Rangers.
Still need to finish the bases on the trees.


kendo said…
good stuff FD!!
Bluewillow said…
nice looking game mate, I am yet to paint my rangers, I haven't tried sharpes practice yet either!

Frostydog said…
Actually I got these at MOAB bring and buy, your left overs?

Like the way Sharp Practice doesnt take itself too seriously, love the character generation tables as well.



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